Dxcluster call sign audio alert

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Dxcluster call sign audio alert

Hallo everybody!
I'd like to know if it's possible to add a sound alert to the callsign alert window of Dxcluster.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
Best 73!
Andrea IU4DEG

Dxcluster call sign audio alert

Hi Andrea!

Yes it is.
You can do (almost) anything you want with DX alert as cqrlog calls external script. Script can play sound, turn lights on or of from hamshack, make a cup of coffee etc . :-D :-D

From help you will find description file:///usr/share/cqrlog/help/h1.html#ah11
You can use same alerts as with wsjtx alert (see help file:///usr/share/cqrlog/help/wsjt.html ) or make different ones.

And you script can make a pop up alert of DXcall and after that call a sound file. So you can combine together both visual and audible alerts.



Hallo Saku!

Hallo Saku!
Thanks a lot for your fast answer. Despite your help I'm a little bit in difficult managing linux scripts: I'd like to combine the following commands but I'm not able to do it.

notify-send "Spot-Info" "Callsign $CALLSIGN detected at $FREQ $MODE"
aplay ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/call.wav

I created a simple script with the two commands but whenever invoked it doesn't print out the callsign, the freq and the mode. It plays the the audio file showing a window with words "Spot-info Callsign detected at".
Sorry for the dumb question.
Best 73!
Andrea IU4DEG

Dxcluster call sign audio alert

Hi Andrea!

Not a stupid question.

At preferences write:
/path/to/your/srcipt/your_script.sh $CALLSIGN $FREQ $MODE

Your script:

notify-send "Spot-Info" "Callsign $1 detected at $2 $3"
aplay ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/call.wav

That should bring parameters from start line to inside of the script. Variables that exist at start line appear inside the script as numerical variables. Numbering has the order of the starting line parameters.


Hallo Saku!

Hallo Saku!
It works perfectly. Many many thanks for your help. I guess I have to deepen my very basic knowledge about Linux and scripts.
Best 73!
Andrea IU4DEG