Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work

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Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work
I'm trying to connect N1MM to CQRLog to automatically send QSOs, but I can't get them to show up in CQRLog.
I'm using:
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Cqrlog Ver: 2.4.0 (001) Date: 2019-10-27
The CQRLog can only make it run with: "dbus-launch --exit-with-session cqrlog"
I have configured N1MM+ like this:
I have activated the "Remote mode for N1MM logger":
When I do I see this in the debug:
00:14:49.151578 IP > ubuntu.2333: UDP, length 1242
E..............$...&......-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<timestamp>2020-10-28 07:14:49</timestamp>
00:14:54.734097 IP > ubuntu.2333: UDP, length 637
E.........!....$...&.....q1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
When I register a QSO in N1MM, this is what I capture on the machine that has the CQRLog running:
Can somebody help me?
73 de Kin EA3CV
Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work

Hi Kin!

N1MM remote did get its name from previous versions of WSJT-X that used this naming for remote that was meant to send qso data in ADIF format from WSJT-X to N1MM.

In latest versions of WSJT-X this has renamed to "Secondary UDP server (depreaced)"

So the direction is always from "other program" to cqrlog.

If "other program" can send UDP datagram to specified port (in cqrlog's prefrences/fldigi/wsjt interface) using ADIF formatted qso data cqrlog's N1MM remote can log the qso.

You do not see any action in cqrlog unless you have set preferences/NewQSO/Refresh data after save QSO checkbox and keep NewQSO/Window/QSO list open

The reason of defunct is that your debug shows that qso data is not in ADIF format.

I do not know N1MM program so I can not say can it be configured right way.


<p>Hi Saku,</p>

<p>Hi Saku,</p>
<p>Now I understand what's wrong with me. CQRLog has not implemented in its code the reception of records from N1MM because N1MM sends them in XML format. It's a pity because it would be very useful.</p>
<p>Using the N1MM tag in the menu I think it causes confusion.</p>
<p>I have tried sending from WSJT and I see that it arrives to my Linux machine in ADIF format</p>
<p>01:38:50.269078 IP &gt; ubuntu.2333: UDP, length 256</p>
<p>root@ubuntu:~# tcpdump -i ens33 -A port 2333</p>
<p>tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode</p>
<p>listening on ens33, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes</p>
<p>01:38:50.269078 IP &gt; ubuntu.2333: UDP, length 256</p>
<div>E..........}...$...#.......&lt;call:5&gt;PP0JJ &lt;gridsquare:4&gt;JN61 &lt;mode:3&gt;FT8 &lt;rst_sent:0&gt; &lt;rst_rcvd:0&gt; &lt;qso_date:8&gt;20201029 &lt;time_on:6&gt;083848 &lt;qso_date_off:8&gt;20201029 &lt;time_off:6&gt;083848 &lt;band:3&gt;40m &lt;freq:8&gt;7.075250 &lt;station_callsign:5&gt;EA3CV &lt;my_gridsquare:6&gt;JN11BI &lt;operator:5&gt;EA3CV &lt;eor&gt;</div>
<p>but CQRLog does nothing.I checked the ports that are open on my Linux, and it turns out that 2333 is not listening</p>
<p>root@ubuntu:~# nmap localhost -u</p>
<p>Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-10-29 01:37 PDT</p>
<p>Nmap scan report for localhost (</p>
<p>Host is up (0.000051s latency).</p>
<p>Not shown: 999 closed ports</p>
<p>PORT&nbsp; &nbsp; STATE SERVICE</p>
<p>631/tcp open&nbsp; ipp</p>
<p>Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds</p>
<p>root@ubuntu:~# nmap -p 2233 localhost</p>
<p>Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-10-29 01:37 PDT</p>
<p>Nmap scan report for localhost (</p>
<p>Host is up (0.000026s latency).</p>
<p>PORT&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;STATE&nbsp; SERVICE</p>
<p>2233/tcp closed infocrypt</p>
<p>Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.24 seconds</p>
<p>So how can CQRLog receive the registration? I have verified that there is no active firewall. I also followed the steps you told me to take and nothing has changed.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>I repeat the answer so

<p>I repeat the answer so that it is in plain text, sorry :( Hi Saku, Hello, Now I understand what's wrong with me. CQRLog has not implemented in its code the reception of records from N1MM because N1MM sends them in XML format. It's a pity because it would be very useful. Using the N1MM tag in the menu I think it causes confusion. On the other hand, I have tried sending from WSJT and I see that it arrives to my Linux machine in ADIF format root@ubuntu:~# tcpdump -i ens33 -A port 2333 tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode listening on ens33, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes 01:38:50.269078 IP &gt; ubuntu.2333: UDP, length 256 E..........}...$...#.. .....PP0JJ JN61 FT8 &lt;rst_sent:0&gt; &lt;rst_rcvd:0&gt; &lt;qso_date:8&gt;20201029 &lt;time_on:6&gt;083848 &lt;qso_date_off:8&gt;20201029 &lt;time_off:6&gt;083848 40m 7.075250 &lt;station_callsign:5&gt;EA3CV &lt;my_gridsquare:6&gt;JN11BI EA3CV but CQRLog does nothing.I checked the ports that are open on my Linux, and it turns out that 2333 is not listening root@ubuntu:~# nmap localhost -u Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-10-29 01:37 PDT Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.000051s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 631/tcp open ipp Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.05 seconds root@ubuntu:~# nmap -p 2233 localhost Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-10-29 01:37 PDT Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.000026s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 2233/tcp closed infocrypt Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.24 seconds So how can CQRLog receive the registration? I have verified that there is no active firewall. I also followed the steps you told me to take and nothing has changed. Thanks for your help. Kin</p>

Some startup videos

These videos are a bit old (not having all latest features that latest source has) , but good for start


Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work


You plain text was still not plain.
But no problem.

There are 2 ways to use wsjt-x and cqrlog.
The N1MM remote (that one works also with Js8Call program) and wsjt remote.

With N1MM remote you can just log the qso to cqrlog. When port setting at wsjtx/reporting/secondary UDP server is same as cqrlog preferences/fldigi/wsjt interface/N1MM ans IP addresses at both programs it should work when:
- set N1MM remote on at cqrlog
- set "F2/Reporting/prompt me to log qso" at wsjt-x
- work qso with wsjtx. At the moment you are pressing OK in wsjt-x logging window it sends UDP datagram that cqrlog receives and logs.
- you can not see it unless you have "QSO list" open and manually refresh it, or set preferences/newQSO/Refresh data after save qso
- No other program may be set to receive UDP datagrams at same IP and port.

With wsjt remote you get full benefit of connection. You can see decoded calls against your worked qsos from CQ-monitor/wsjt-map. CQ monitor distpays just CQs, wsjt map displays all decoded frames.
You can initiate qso from CQmonitor or wsjt map by double left click
You can set alerts fro decoded calls, locators, text in common.

When port setting at wsjtx/reporting/UDP server is same as cqrlog preferences/fldigi/wsjt interface/wsjt port ans IP addresses at both programs and at least "Accept UDP requests" is checked at wsjt-x settings (you can set all three checkboxes there).
It should work:
- set wsjt remote on at cqrlog
- set "F2/Reporting/prompt me to log qso" at wsjt-x
- If you can not see CQ-monitor
- at NewQSO you should see that remote is on as the "call" filed gets new name and will change color time to time when remote is active and connected
- when you start qso by double click from CQmonitor NewQS is filled with HamQTH/QTZ data (if you have st it at preferences)
- when you press OK at wsjtx log window NewQSO is cleared and your qso is logged and can be seen at top of new qso (if you have allowed to view recent qsos there).
-with latest versions (from source) you are able to use multicast IP addresses and so can have several programs listening from same wsjtx UDP datagrams.

Recommended reading:
New QSO/help/help index


Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work

HI Kin!

I have been working with N1MM <contactinfo> import so that cqrlog could really receive loggings from N1MM used during contest.
I have a version that needs just some fine tuning and testing.
How ever I do not have N1MM installed and no Windoze. I have heard it runs under wine somehow.

What I need is "true life" blocks of <contactinfo> .. </contactinfo> like you have in your message here.
The interesting thing is how N1MM sends contest messages if there are them in addition with serial numbers.

They are "STX_STRING" and "SRX_STRING" in adif format, but how they appear in <contactinfo>? There is a node called <exchange1></exchange1> but does it have both sent and received strings?
This is not explained properly in document I found

Can you produce similar dump as in your message from qsos where you have variations:

W1AW 599 001 AB 599 123 DC
W1AW 599 AB 599 123
W1AW 599 001 599 DC

Where 001 and 123 are contest serial numbers sent and received and AB and DC are contest messages

That would help to test this.


Transfer from N1MM to CQRLog does not work

HI Kin!

I have been working with N1MM <contactinfo> import so that cqrlog could really receive loggings from N1MM used during contest.
I have a version that needs just some fine tuning and testing.
How ever I do not have N1MM installed and no Windoze. I have heard it runs under wine somehow.

What I need is "true life" blocks of <contactinfo> .. </contactinfo> like you have in your message here.
The interesting thing is how N1MM sends contest messages if there are them in addition with serial numbers.

They are "STX_STRING" and "SRX_STRING" in adif format, but how they appear in <contactinfo>? There is a node called <exchange1></exchange1> but does it have both sent and received strings?
This is not explained properly in document I found

Can you produce similar dump as in your message from qsos where you have variations:

W1AW 599 001 AB 599 123 DC
W1AW 599 AB 599 123
W1AW 599 001 599 DC

Where 001 and 123 are contest serial numbers sent and received and AB and DC are contest messages

That would help to test this.
