I have uploaded my full log to HamQTH and when I try to update after adding or editing a QSO I get the following message ...
HamQTH: Deleting original OE1COB
HamQTH: Could not delete original QSO data!
This QSO does not exist in my log so it should not have uploaded to HamQTH. I used Callsign includes 1COB in my search filter to check for the file. I have also checked the ADIF file that I uploaded and the call does not exist there either.
I am using ver 1.7.4 and did the log upload from this version.
73 Graeme ZL2APV
Mon, 2014-04-14 11:36
Can't delete a non-existant call sign
Hi Graeme,
I had same problem with Clublog. I solved it by deleting upload_status.frm, upload_status.MYD and upload_status.MYI, located in /home/user/.config/cqrlog/database/cqrlog_common (or cqrlog001; can't remember exact location, I believe you'll find them there).
73, Vlada
I have just tried to upload all changes to clublog but seems it doesn't function without those three files. Also tried to return back file by file and upload changes, still not working. Seems there must be all three files to function proprerly, but by returning them, I get the same error message like before:
ClubLog: Deleting original IW1CQ<MO (typing error while saving qso)ClubLog: Could not delete original QSO data!
I've deleted this QSO from log, tried to upload changes, and again error. Looks like there's problem in one of those three files?
73, Vlada
H Vlada, Thank you for your response to my problem and your follow up. In my case the error is also associated with a callsign I corrected after saving it. Originally copied as OE1COB and saved then corrected to JE1COB and saved again. It seems there is an unassociated index to OE1COB floating around which is accessed when validating uploads and of course when there is no actual record to match the index it can't be deleted and the process stops. I have exported my log, cleared the current log and then imported the export expecting the indexes to rebuild but the error is still there. I suspect I may need to completely delete the current log, create a new one and import the backup export I previously made. Unfortunately that may fix the issue but won't fix the problem which is causing it in the first place.
73, Graeme ZL2APV
Thanks, this worked for me too, had problems uploading even after deleting the trouble-qso in question.
It seems to forget to alter those 3 files.
Thanks a lot for this "fix".
Greetings, Bas. ON5HB
It doesn't fix it, it simply stops uploading in total.
Greetings, Bas. ON5HB
Hi Bas,
best way to solve this problem is, to export your log to adif, go to /home/user/.config/ and delete cqrlog folder. Run CQRlog - shows some error. Exit and run again CQRlog, import your adif log and all should be well. Deleting cqrlog folder from /home/user/.config/ looses all settings, so you will have to set CQRlog from scratch. Hope this helps :)
73, Vlada
I have reloaded several things a few times with ADIF's but the error does return after a while.
As when you remove the 3 files for uploading, the error is gone.
The non-exsisting call is in those 3 files but not in the QSO-database.
Ergo, the upload-log-database isn't in synch with the actual situation.
I had this problem a couple of times now and starting to look at other programs to do logging with as it bugs me a lot.
Greetings, Bas. ON5HB
Hi Bas,
I would not give up on CQRLOG as it is still the best Linux DX logger and you will find that many of its features are missing from other loggers. My experience is that Petr is probably working behind the scenes on this issue and a fix will appear with the next release. The feature is new and a bug is not unexpected. In my case I live with the problem and will do an adif upload from time to time until it is sorted.
73 Graeme ZL2APV
I'm not ready to give up just yet, but I have a website where people check my QSO's.
Especially because there are some problems in the neighberhood with EMI and I want to make sure it's not me causing it but a GSM-antenna.
Therefor I do need this option and it worked fine for a long time.
I know Peter works hard and I'm trying to help solving it, but I see no comment from him on this, not in the forum and not via Email.
I did report is several times, also via email with logs.
Greetings, Bas. ON5HB
I was having an issue with nothing uploading to either after they worked in the past. Looks like one callsign was causing the issue. It kept saying "deleting old file" or something to that effect and would fail. I then changed and marked all as uploaded then tried a new call and it uploaded fine. So as soon as the issue appears it seems the work around would be to void the contact, then upload the good ones and try reentering?
Not as good as HRD logbook but I am trying to go 100% Linux.
You could delete the online-log, then export an ADIF and upload that.
That was my way to correct it in the past.
Some online-logs do not like deleting entries single entries.
Greetings, Bas. ON5HB