I noticed, that, if qsl marked as N, ie do not send,labell is anyway printed. Is it big thing to set, when markedN then no labell?
Thu, 2014-04-17 15:47
Printing labels
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Another thing. If I make a filter of qso's, example 1 month and bring them label printing. Ok, if I set bring all qsos, so I get all included there in filter window. But, if I choose bring qso's never sent qsls, or something like that, I get whole log checked. This could be nice, if I could make qsl printing from filter, ie. coose only those, never printed.
Hopefully someone understand, what I'm trying to say here.. :D
Hi Jarmo,
this looks like a bug. I'll look at it. Thank you!
73 Petr, OK2CQR