I am still not used to the CW Type/CW Key differences.
It would be nice to be able to change the CW speed with out having to open the CW Type window. It would also be nice if the labels from CW key would also come over to the CW Type window. You label them inthe config, but they don't show up.
Also my radio has the ability to send SSB messages. Would be nice to key them as well.
Thu, 2015-01-29 01:48
CW Type/CW Key and more
Hi Will,
you can change CW speed using PgUp/PgDown keys directly in New QSO window. I use it everytime I'm on the air.
I'll look to labels, I didn't know about that. CQRLOG also supports SSB messages, it's described somewhere in ~/.config directory but I've never used it.
73 Petr
Hi Will,
you are right. The button labels were not updated. I just fixed it.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
I appreciatre the info. That will help a lot. I will have to remember that page up./down changes the speed. I have missed that in the documentation. I did notice that the speed goes up and down even in SSB mode, should it?? The other thing I noticed, hitting ESC whike on the logging window kills the CW. When you have the function keys highlighed the ESC key does not work.
I found the voice_keyer.sh in the config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/ directory. The looks like it uses a MP3 file, but it does not tell you how to use it or where the files are placed. I have a Yaesu FTdx5000 with a FH-2. It has a built in voice keyer. I would like to be able to trigger these memories. This helps when chasing DX or even small contests. In N1MM +, you can trigger the memory with the command: {CAT1ASCPB01;}
Hey, how is CQRTest coming? I have not seen any updates!
Will WC2L