I'm trying to set up my logbook for field day and am having trouble getting 2APAC to remain in the RST-SENT field. In PREFERENCES under NEW QSO I insert 2APAC in the RST_S field and leave RST_R blank and then OK. I restart CQRLOG and with MODE AUTO RST box checked I get 59 in sent and received . Unchecked I get nothing when I tab through after entering the call sign. What am I doing wrong?
73 and Aloha
you probably missed the fact that CQRlog is NOT a contest logger but an "usual day" logger designed for data collecting outside of such events. Therefore 599 or 59 is expected as a default. And the column name DEFAULT RST speaks for itself, huh?
Use a contest logger and if you want to store the 2APAC info import it into Comment field or so. Anyway you are right concerning RST system but it is widely used, no wonder that a NON-CONTEST logger is designed to match the meaningless 599/59 figures...