i had the 'access violation' issue with Mint 18, and since i only had 1 QSL since my last system backup (Clonezilla) on Jan 5th, i decided to restore from backup, import log backup, and delete dupes. Worked fine and now i say no to Update DXCC list.
However this morning when i fired up the system, my window placement was messed up. All the windows were in the top left corner of the monitor on top of each other. Any way to restore previous behavior of the system remembering the established window positions?
CQRLog 2.02. A newer version got installed this morning, but i have not restarted to install it yet.
Thu, 2017-01-12 13:50
Window placement messed up
Since i was using KDE anyway, i used it's ability to lock windows in position to resolve the problem.
KX3 w KXPA100 dipole on balcony