Local Log file name and location

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Local Log file name and location

I'm running Linux Mint and CQRLog 2.04. I only have one log file, Log 001, as it is shown in the screen to choose the log file from. What is it's name and location, as far as my file manager is concerned, and is it written to after saving each qso? I want a terminal program to periodically look at it and update the terminal program's output, based on my log file. Thanks in advance.


ok2cqr's picture
Re: Local Log file name and location

Hi Dave,

it's here: log is stored in ~/.config/cqrlog/database where ~ means your home directory. CQRLOG uses MySQL as database backend running on port 64000.

73 Petr, OK2CQR

Re: Local File name and location

Petr, many thanks for the quick reply, and may thanks for making and maintaining such a wonderful program.

73, Dave KD8AZO
