Please make it more multi-user.

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on5hb's picture
Please make it more multi-user.

Hi Peter,

Is it possible to make the QTH-Profile more like multi-profile?
As my wife is ON3MS and I'm ON5HB, but I need to close the log all the time, instead of change the profile between the 2 calls into 1 log.
Is it possible to make it multi-ham in 1 log? I mean make the QTH-profile a quick Profile switcher regardless of QTH or Call.


on5hb's picture
Also second request.

Hi Petr,

Is it possible to make a logon timer?
I mean, if you don't click a call that it will select the last used one or a standard one after a selected time.
E.g. is you set 10 seconds, that is selects last call or default call...bit like Grub works.


Greetings, Bas. ON5HB