SOLVED Can not get MySQL client library version version!

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SOLVED Can not get MySQL client library version version!

Had not used CQRLOG in a while and found that I was getting an error when I tried. Part of the error was “Can not get MySQL client library version version!”

My distribution is Debian “Testing” which is currently Stretch / Debian 9.

The Solution it seemed was as follows:

Found this which said to install apt install libmysqlclient20 , but no installation candidate on my current situation.

Somewhere I found to install the package libmariadbclient-dev-compat . CQRLOG worked after installation of libmariadbclient-dev-compat.

After re-starting, I got an Access Violation after restarting CQRLOG, but solved that issue by deleting /home/your_username/.config/cqrlog/lotw1.txt

As far as I can tell, after all of this, my CQRLOG database is still intact and all settings, accounts, etc are still working.
