[SOLVED] CQRLOg unstable with FT2000

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G8FXM's picture
[SOLVED] CQRLOg unstable with FT2000

I have had intermittent problems in getting CRQLog to talk to my FT2000 for quite some time now, it's always been a battle. I have periods of it working then periods when it wont.

I have recently rebuilt my PC and now run Linux Mind KDE.
Reinstalling CQRLOg onto my new environment saw a brief period where CQRLog would talk to my FT2000, but now it persistently refuses.

I recently installed TR4W contesting software on my KDE PC and even though its running under WINE, per performs flawlessly connecting to my FT2000 every time!

Does anyone have any idea what the trick is to getting an FT2000 to reliably talk to CQRLog.
Konsole messages as follows:

Starting RigCtld ...
/usr/bin/rigctld -m 129 -r /dev/ttyS1 -t 4533 rigctld -m 129 -s 38400 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=0,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
rig_open: error = Invalid configuration
rigctld failed to start!

RigCtldArgs:-m 129 -r /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A501VYRK-if00-port0 -t 4533 rigctld -m 129 -s 38400 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=0,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A501VYRK-if00-port0
RigPoll: 500
RigId: 129

Starting RigCtld ...
/usr/bin/rigctld -m 129 -r /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A501VYRK-if00-port0 -t 4533 rigctld -m 129 -s 38400 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=0,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
rig_open: error = Invalid configuration
rigctld failed to start!

G8FXM's picture
I've run CQRLog from the

I've run CQRLog from the Konsole in debug mode and it seems that no matter what settings I use, rigctrld fails to run. Konsole output below:

dave@G8FXM-Shack ~ $ cqrlog --debug=1

(cqrlog:11654): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",
Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve property `gtk-primary-button-warps-slider' of type `gboolean' from rc file value "((GString*) 0x2e2a960)" of type `gboolean'

(cqrlog:11654): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita",

**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****

SSL libraries:
Loading libmysqlclient: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so
MySQL version: 5.7
MySQL version assigned: 5.7
Loaded 104157 LoTW users
Loaded 107353 eQSL users
Loaded 43261 SCP calls
User home directory: /home/dave/
Program home directory: /home/dave/.config/cqrlog/
Data directory: /home/dave/.config/cqrlog/database/
Memebers directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/members/
ZIP code directory: /usr/share/cqrlog/zipcodes/
Binary dir: /usr/bin/
Share dir: /usr/share/cqrlog/
TConnection to MySQL: 5.7
56 us states loaded
select * from tables where table_schema = 'cqrlog_common'

SELECT log_nr,log_name FROM cqrlog_common.log_list order by log_nr

use cqrlog001

use cqrlog001

use cqrlog001

use cqrlog001

use cqrlog001

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_config

select * from db_version

select * from cqrlog_common.db_version

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF

SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY ADIF

RigCtldArgs:-m 129 -r /dev/serial/by-id/usb-067b_2303-if00-port0 -t 4533 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
RunRigCtld: TRUE
RigDevice: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-067b_2303-if00-port0
RigPoll: 500
RigId: 129

Starting RigCtld ...
/usr/bin/rigctld -m 129 -r /dev/serial/by-id/usb-067b_2303-if00-port0 -t 4533 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
rig_open: error = Invalid configuration
rigctld failed to start!

RunRotCtld: FALSE
RotPoll: 500
RotId: 1

rotctld started!
Connected to localhost:4533
select id,freq,mode,bandwidth from freqmem order by id

CW init
Device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A501VYRK-if00-port0
Last error nr: 0
Last error desc:OK
After sending null command
After sending echo command: 144
Speed: 30
SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = 1

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE visible > 0 ORDER BY nr

SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE nr = 1

select locator from profiles where nr = 1

select locator from profiles where nr = 1

1-IO91WT;G8FXM - Welwyn Garden City;
NOTE: Window with stalled focus found!, faking focus-out event
NOTE: Window with stalled focus found!, faking focus-out event
NOTE: Window with stalled focus found!, faking focus-out event
NOTE: Window with stalled focus found!, faking focus-out event

73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit  g8fxm@uksmg.org

G8FXM's picture
I've noticed that running the

I've noticed that running the following command in Konsole works:

$ /usr/bin/rigctl -m 129 -r /dev/serial/by-id/usb-067b_2303-if00-port0 -t 4533 -s 38400

Rig command: ftv
Frequency: 50298439

Rig command: PTT: 0

Rig command: VFO: VFOA

Rig command:

but it seems that CQRLOG isnt able to start rigctrld.
I wonder do we still have a 64 bit issue?

73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit  g8fxm@uksmg.org

G8FXM's picture
I've finally managed to get

I've finally managed to get something working by running a shell script that starts rigctrld on startup and selecting the following in CQRLog:
TRX Control: Rig Model = 2 Hamlib NET rigctl

That works, i.e. starting rigctrld outside of CQRLog, but it seems that CQRLog ant start rigctrld properly by itself?

73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit  g8fxm@uksmg.org

on4ezj's picture
Hi Dave,

Hi Dave,
I noticed in your first mail:
"Starting RigCtld ...
/usr/bin/rigctld -m 129 -r /dev/ttyS1 -t 4533 rigctld -m 129 -s 38400 -s 38400 --set-yconf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=0,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON"
you're passing 'rigctld' as parameter to rigctld - this can't work :-)
The complete line including all parmeters should be:
rigctld -m 129 -r /dev/ttyS1 -t 4533 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=0,serial_parity=None,dtr_state=OFF,rts_state=ON
Notice that the parameter "-t 4533" changes the rigctld-port from 4532 (standard) to 4533 - why would you like to do this ? If there is no reason, leave it on 4532. If there is a reason (port used by another application p.ex.) you have to change the config in CQRLOG accordingly (port number in Config > TRX control).
To allow CQRLOG to start rigctld you have to mention the full path (/usr/bin/rigctld) in TRX control.
As I use more than one TRX I personally prefer to start rigctld through a desktop launcher (one per TRX) so CQRLOG automatically connects to the chosen TRX - all work on standard port. If I decide to change TRX during a running session, I have to kill the running rigctld task first - or it will end up in a mess ;-)
Hope this helps
73 de Peter ON4EZJ

G8FXM's picture
One final question Peter.

One final question Peter.
I now start rigctrld externally to CQRLog and I set TRX start rigctrld when program starts to FALSE.
When then do I see this on start up?

RigCtldArgs:-m 2 -r -t 4532 -s 38400 --set-conf=data_bits=8,stop_bits=1,rts_state=ON
RunRigCtld: FALSE
RigPoll: 500
RigId: 2

rigctld started!
Connected to localhost:4532

RunRotCtld: FALSE
RotPoll: 500
RotId: 1

rotctld started!
Connected to localhost:4533

Why is CQRLog saying;

"rigctld started! Connected to localhost:4532"


"rotctld started! Connected to localhost:4533"

when RunRigCtld and RunRotCtld are both set to FALSE?

73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit  g8fxm@uksmg.org

on4ezj's picture
Hi Dave, GE

Hi Dave, GE
I just tested this, running cqrlog -debug in a terminal gives the same result on my computer.
It is not connected to my shack, nor is one of the mentioned tasks (rigctld, rotctld) running ...
I don't see any reason for these notifications or why we should worry about them :-)
What counts: it works - and this is great because CQRLOG is a very fine peace of work.
By the way: if you do digital modes, you can set fldigi to Hamlib NET rigctld - Device: localhost:4532 and both programs work fine in parallel.
73 de Peter ON4EZJ

G8FXM's picture
Hi Peter,

Hi Peter,
I totally missed the port 4532/4533 SNAFU. I think I changed the port some time ago due to conflicts with other apps and then forgot all about it. When I rebuilt my PC to KDE I copied the config so didn't notice the wrong port.

I now have CQRLog working reliably on port 4532 via rigcrtld which is started outside of CQRLog via a script in my /etc/rc.local file. I find this a useful way to do this as the same script starts my keyer at the same time. For some reason if I try and use the KDE autostart application to start these, it doesn't work, but rc.local works fine.

Many thanks for the help.

73 de Dave, G8FXM

73'd De Dave, G8FXM O/S Linux Mint 18.1 KDE Plasma 64 bit  g8fxm@uksmg.org