New computer

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New computer

I recently bought a new laptop for ham operations. I loaded Ubuntu and carlog. I saw a pervious post about getting qsos to a new computer. I tried copying the .config/cqrlog directory and put it on the new computer, but it crashed the database. Would not start. I removed the cqrlog directory and it thought it was a new install and built a new db and works fine. Is this the best way or is there a better way. I do have the old computer that I can access.


New pc

Full adif export (selecr all to export) to usb stick on old computer. Then fresh install, latest version, to new pc.
Let program make new log and after that adif import from usb stick.

You can also save log settings (@ log selecton/utlis) and import them same way to have similar look as the old had.

Copying .config/cqrlog is a "dirty way", but shoul work if you first make fresh install to new pc with same version of cqrlog than the old pc has. After running tht once (to see that installation works) move the old .config/cqrlog in place.
If your old and new pc's OS versions are very different ( ie mysql/ Mariadb versions) there might be problems ( not tested that).


New computer

Thank you both for your replies. I will give it a shot tonight.

Love cqrlog and I recommend it all the time.



ok2cqr's picture
Re: New computer

Copying files should work but you have to take care about file permission.
After moving data from another computer, it's better to run cqrlog with --debug=1 parameter fron a console. You will see more details why cqrlog didn't start.