WSJT-X Window Falls Behind

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KK6KC's picture
WSJT-X Window Falls Behind

My system runs on a Raspberry Pi 3. I usually have three programs running, CQRLOG 2.3.0 (001), WSJT-X 2.1.0, and a terminal window with cgps running to keep my clock aligned.

Things go well for some time, but after several days of constant use, it seems that the CQRLOG WSJT-X monitor window falls behind. If I quit WSJT-X, the monitor window stays up for a long time. Adding updates even when WSJT-X is no longer running. If I wait long enough, it eventually goes away. While it is up and changing it's display, I cannot get menus to respond in the rest of CQRLOG.

The monitor window does not have any of the boxes checked. What can I do to make it more responsive? Will some of the checkboxes reduce the processing or lookups?

In the future I will probably solve it by upgrading to a Raspberry Pi 4, but what can I do in the mean time.

Also is there any ETA on an update to CQRLOG release version? It has been quite a while.


Kirk Crawford

WSJT-X Window Falls Behind

Hi Kirk!

Running both Cqrlog and WSJT-x with one Rasberry is hmm.... "quite brave". It is heavy setup Sometimes my Lenovo x201 (2.4GHz 4GbRAM) has small delay with wsjt-x monitoring.
I have noticed that restarting only wsjt-x may sometimes help.

In your case, according your description, it sounds like Rasberry has gone out of ram and uses swap file on SD card. Spooling it off takes some time and updates are coming up delayed.

For future I recommend having 2 RPIs. One for cqrlog and one for wsjt-x. When networked those programs work still together. Or something with bigger RAM and faster CPU in case of one PC.

You should try to compile latest source from GitHub. That is the way to get latest versions (maybe also latest bugs :-) untill Petr gets snap package delivery to work.


KK6KC's picture
So there is no setting to

So there is no setting to reduce what CQRLOG does during WSJT monitoring? I just really want it to log the QSO's I don't use the coloring or call sign list.

Kirk Crawford
Lomita, CA, USA

KK6KC's picture

FYI My CPU Monitor never seems to go over 70%, and RAM usage is around 60%.

Kirk Crawford
Lomita, CA, USA


Hi again!

I cheked some develop notes and it seems that new CQ-monitor was released (in beta binary):

- Wsjtx Cq-monitor/Map mode: Completely rewritten with Lazarus standard components. Does not use richmemo unit any more.
Seems that slowly crowing cpu load is now away. This version can be compiled with Lazarus v2.0 rcXX
Should show up to user with very minimal changes. (if any).

All credits of this change goes to Andreas, DL7OAP, who wrote whole monitor core again using stringGrid component.

-NewQSO: Buttons LoTW,eQSL, HamQth had very small effective click area with certain screen resolutions. Tried to fix that.
Tnx info: Giuseppe - IK0DWJ

And bit later the N1MM remote was released:

-Cq-monitor. Some fixes for callsign detecteting function. (DL7OAP & OH1KH)
-fix for FollwedCall saving
-Support for N1MM logger+. Select from NewQSO/File/Remote mode for n1mm logger. IP and PORT settings are
in preferences/fldigi/wsjt section. Selecting this allows logging from wsjt or js8call using n1mm logger
option (without having CQ-monitor). included LoTW export workaround that allows JS8 mode qso uploads. (DL7OAP & OH1KH)

Explain of those version numbers:
Petr's official release (001). Changes to that version in my numbering start from (101)
Petr's official release (002). Changes to that version in my numbering start from (201)

So I really think you should get the (003) running!


So there is no setting to

Hi Kirk!

In that case there is!

You can just close CQmonitor. Wsjt-remote still stays on and logs qsos.
CQ-monitor stays off on next restart if previous close was done in proper way. To get CQ-monitor visible again use selection "window/wsjtx monitor" when wsjt remote is active. Otherwise this selection is not visible in window-list.

Other way is to check wsjtx/settings/reporting "Secondary UDP server/enable logged contact adif broadcast" and check that port number there is same as in cqrlog/preferences/N1MM port.
Then select "remote mode for N1MM logger" at NewQSO/File instead of wsjt-remote mode.
To see that this really works you should select preferences/NewQSO/Refresh data after save qso (and keep QSO list open) or check preferences/NewQSO/Show recent QSO records for last X days when last qsos show up at top side of NewQSO.
There is no other indication to see that qso was logged after you pressed wsjt-x log window's OK button. Qso partners call and web info fetch does not appear to NewQSO columns during QSO is on when N1MM remote is used.

You should get at least (002) prefer (003) of 2.3.0 cqrlog. With (001) there might be some differences with those 2 ways of log qso. Mainly that N1MM does not add zone info and make web info fetch. This was fixed at some point but I suspect it is on 003. But you will see that when testing with both ways.
