Installed cqrlog. Running a Yaesu FT-1000mp. The interface cable from the rig to the computer is an RS-232 to USB. What should the device info be? How can I ascertain the correct Port in this OS which is Linux Mint 18.3 and I am a member of a dialup group.
This is from the command line...
Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (001) Date:2018-06-17
**** DEBUG LEVEL 0 ****
**** CHANGE WITH --debug=1 PARAMETER ****
rig_open: error = IO error
5.846145] usb 3-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
For all. This issue has been resolved. In Preferences/TRX Control/Device it was typed incorrectly. I had /dev/tty/USB0 instead of /dev/ttyUSB0