As CQRlog has multiple profiles, I am curious if support for two or more callsigns could be incorporated? For example, I once held KA0RNY and since late 1998 have held N0NB. If a relation could be established that between date X and date Y callsign A was used and that from date Y to date Z callsign B was used, it would tie my log together nicely.
Or, am I better off maintaining two logs? If so, what is the best way? Can I specify a log directory on the cqrlog command line or must I have a complete duplicate CQRlog installation?
you must have two CQRLOG directories to manage two callsigns.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Two complete installations, then. I'll add another wishlist item, to specify a log directory on the cqrlog command line for multiple log support from one CQRlog installation.