No Ubuntu 20.04 release file for PPA can not enable PPA without it
CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, HamQTH/QRZ callbook (XML access), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance.
More info:
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Hit:1 focal InRelease
Hit:2 focal-updates InRelease
Hit:3 focal-backports InRelease
Ign:4 stable InRelease
Hit:5 stable InRelease
Hit:6 stable Release
Ign:7 focal InRelease
Hit:8 bionic InRelease
Hit:9 focal-security InRelease
Err:10 focal Release
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository ' focal Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
I ran into this a couple of days ago. What it amounts to is that the repo that you're installing does not have a version that is compatible with your OS release. 20.04 is pretty new and the CQRlog guys have likely not been able to release a tested/compatible version as of yet.
I've managed to work around the problem by installing some dependencies manually, using MariaDB instead of MySQL, and installing the package made available on the CQRlog site. However, I appear to still have some issues with it.
If you get past the installation and everything works let us know how you did it.
You are, guys, very fast, hi.
AFAIK Ubuntu 20.04 was released but it is still on development stage (like beta version), so be patient :D
today I managed a do-release-upgrade from 18.04.x LTS to 20.04.01 LTS.
cqrlog 2.4.0 (installed under previous LTS) worked fine after reboot. However, I already uses MariaDB since a while.
But as I tried to add PPA for CQRLOG, I got a similar error. Will there be a PPA support for focal fossa LTS users as well ?
73 de Rolf, DL3LAR