CQ repeat

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CQ repeat

How do I have CQ repeat on recorded CW messages ? I use the TS-2000 and HAMLIB interface.

CQ repeat


Only way to repeat CW macros in cqrlog is to press macro key again.

But as you use hamlib cw keying there is easy way to do it from command line.
Start cqrlog.
Set wanted CW speed.
Open command console.
Type following command and press enter:

while true; do echo 'bCQ CQ DE OH1KH OH1KH K' | nc localhost 4532;sleep 20;done

- change callsign!
- change value 20 (seconds) to adjust repeat delay
- to stop CW repeat press Ctrl+C
- note that depending on rig in use hamlib's (actually rigs's) one command CW buffer is rather small. You can put more commands start from "echo" to "20;" in chain to make longer cw output. How ever it may need adjust of "sleep" between so that buffer will not overflow but cw does not have too long cap between "sentences".(depends rig and cq speed)


How do I open the command

How do I open the command console in CQRLOG?

How do I open the command


You should open command console on Linux desktop, not from cqrlog. That is called with different names in different desktops.
In my LXDE desktop it is opened from icon called "LXTerminal" (See screenshot picture)

Note that you can paint the command line with mouse, then copy (Ctrl+C) and then paste (Top line of command console: "edit"/"paste" ) to console.
(in my command console picture "Muokkaa" is "Edit")

Here is your command line, just paint it with mouse and select copy (Ctrl+C), then paste to command terminal and press enter (cqrlog must be running) and CQ starts:

while true; do echo 'bCQ CQ DE PY2ZA PY2ZA K' | nc localhost 4532;sleep 20;done

Saves you from typing errors.

To stop it press Ctrl+C

When stopped you can get same command line again pressing Arrow-Up key (if you have allowed to save command history when installed Linux)
If you have used other command lines you may find this CQ one again when first pressing Ctrl+R ( that is called "reverse-i-search" ) and then typing "while" or part of it.

If you get error you might not have program "netcat" installed.
To check that type just:
and enter. You should get something like this:

[saku@hamtpad ~]$ nc
Ncat: You must specify a host to connect to. QUITTING.
[saku@hamtpad ~]$

Here is help for installing netcat is found from:

