I'm trying to export a log in Cabrillo format. It will only export 599 contacts of the 820 in the log. Doesn't seem to matter how I filter it.
Any suggestions?
Mon, 2021-09-20 16:02
File limit?
HI Orb!
Does it work at all? Or does it cut cbr before 599 qsos?
It should work so that you first use QSO list/Filter to make filter that select qsos to export. There is also option "contest filter" in QSO list/filter to quick select all qsos if your qsos are from one contest and you have named it in contest window.
Please state more carefully what is the problem. (not starting at all, cuts before all qsos exported, or what)
Thanks for getting back to me Saku. I open my log with 820 qso's in show QSO List. I filter from a start date one day before the first qso and one day after the last qso. It shows 821 qso's have been selected. If I goto export and select Cabrillo, it exports 599 qso's.
And here is a screenshot of the export.
After looking at the log file it appears there are no WARC bands included? I ran two more filters one for 17 meters and it returned 146 qso's. I ran another filter for 30 meters and it returned 76 qso's. 599+146+76 =821 or my total qso's. When I look at preferences and bands, both 30 meters and 17 meters are ticked.
HI !
Thanks for investigating this issue. I look forward with this information and try similar export by myself.
On the other hand.... there are no contests in WARC bands and cabrillo is for contest export. I do not remember how this was coded, but I will check it and let you know.
I created a filter using just 17 meter band. It returned 146 qso's. I attempted to export as a cabrillo file and 0 qso were exported. One of the event operators was wanting a cabrillo file for my log of the Route 66 Special Event. I think I'm probably the only one using Linux. The rest used N1MM logging are able to export their logs as cabrillo.
This log is not for a contest but for a Special Event Station. Route 66, has been going on for a few years. 13 Colonies, W9IMS Indianapolis Motor Speedway, International QRP Day, North of 50, just to mention a few are all Special Event Stations using the WARC bands. You are correct no contest stations in the WARC bands.
Best 73,
Hi Orb!

Yes!. Tried out the export and got same results:
From /tmp/CabrilloReject.log I could see that they all were WARC band qsos.
Then lookead at the source code. I did not remember that it was there clearly stated:
WARC or missing band is a reason for reject qso.
As there are no contests allowed in WARC bands also Cabrillo export does not export them. That is the situation.
I could change the format of reject log to have same format as cabrillo main file. That is not very hard job. Then dropped files could be added with text editor to main file, but how ever then the qso order breaks as rejected qsos are dropped to different file.
Perhaps I put that on my "todo list" anyway.
I appreciate your time Saku. I'll pursue trying to convert an adi file to cabrillo file. If not sucessful I'll send them a adi file. LOL
73 my friend.
Hi Orb!
There is quite nice converter in here: http://users.telenet.be/on4qz/a2c/index.html
Unfortunately it must be compiled, no package. At least at programmers web page.
Thank you Saku, I'll check it out.
Thanks Saku, that worked fine.