Compile error -- Not sure if CQRLOG problem

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Compile error -- Not sure if CQRLOG problem

(10001) PPU Loading /usr/lib/lazarus/2.0.10/lcl/units/aarch64-linux/gtk2/interfaces.ppu
(10011) PPU Source: interfaces.pas not found
(10028) Recompiling Interfaces, checksum changed for /usr/lib/fpc/3.2.2/units/aarch64-linux/rtl/system.ppu
/home/pi/Downloads/cqrlog/src/cqrlog.lpr(6,3) Fatal: (10022) Can't find unit Interfaces used by cqrlog
Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppca64 returned an error exitcode
Error: (lazarus) Compile Project, Target: cqrlog: stopped with exit code 1
Error: (lazbuild) failed compiling of project /home/pi/Downloads/cqrlog/src/cqrlog.lpi
make: *** [Makefile:9: cqrlog] Error 2

I had executed a git pull for updates and was trying to re-compile.

RPi-4B (4gb mem)
USB SSD 250gb

CQRLOG is = 2.6.0 (001) GTK2

Compile error -- Not sure if CQRLOG problem

Sounds like updating made something.
Have you tried to open lazarus-ide?
There you have Open new project. Using that navigate to cqrlog/src folder and select cqrlog.lpi.
Then select view/messages and then Run/compile.
If messages window shows green line that says compile went ok you find cqrlog from source folder. Move it to /usr/bin overwriting previous file 'cqrlog' if exist ( backup it first)
You can run also 'sudo make install' (without make) that does the same and installs also new help.
