First, I LOVE this program.
Second, I'm trying to make windows take up less space. When you shrink the "CW type" window horizontally , the "Send CW using" part moves over the top of "CW speed". I change "CW speed" a lot (almost every QSO) and believe that most CW ops do too and therefore, the "CW speed" part should overlay on top of the "Send CW using" part as you shrink the window horizontally.
I would even say that the "Send CW using" is changed so rarely that you could move it to the "Preferences=>CW interface" dialog. In years of doing CW, I have never changed it.
Actually, now that I look at it more, if you move the "Send CW using" setting to "Preferences=>CW interface", then there really isn't much difference between the "CW type" and "Memory keys" windows. Maybe you could get rid of "Memory keys" and just shrink the "CW type" window a bit.
In other words, I'd love to see the "CW type" window be about as small as the "Memory keys" window. I actually think you could combine them and eliminate some code, but you know better about that than I do!
-David, N9KT
Hi David!
As quick reply, without testing, you should be able to adjust speed with pgup pgdn keys. That is what I always use. (with NewQso and Contest windows) I do not use CW type window at all.
Less mouse, more keyboard is more user friendly.
I put the window shrink on chek list. Thanks for comments.
Good point! However, the "CW type" window is still too big and I use that because now and then during the contest, someone sends something that I can't reply to with the function keys and it's easier to type a response than grab the key.
Thanks for putting it on the list!
-David, N9KT
To be really clear, all I want is the "Memory keys" window with a single line at the bottom that I can type some random text if needed during a contest. I can see the current CW speed at the bottom right of the "New QSO" window and I can use the PgUp and PgDn keys to change the speed, so I would be set with just the single line added to the bottom of the "Memory keys".
If you do that, and move the "Send CW using" setting to the "Preferences=>CW interface" page, then I believe you could remove the entire "CW type" dialog.
Thanks again!
-David, N9KT
Hi David!
I did some redesign. You can try to compile it from my loc_testing branch. Identifies itself as 2.6.0(125) 2024-03-10

Disabling both top panels you can make it rather small (left) and even smaller.
You can use "Memory keys" as separate window (you can scale it smaller that way) or
make them visible in "CW Type" window.
PgUP, PgDn keys set speed even when panel is hidden if cursor is in text area.
Test scaling/hiding now. Should work same way with GTK2 and QT5 versions.
Perfect! Just got it compiled and running under GTK2. Works great!
Thank you so much!
-David, N9KT
In playing with it a little more, can you shrink the height of the "CW type" keys to match the height of the "Memory Keys"? Then it would be perfect!
-David, N9KT
With first try I got only width shrinked.
But in memory keys- window both H and W are sizeable.
Situation is little different as in CW type the key set is inside a panel that is anchored to top (cw properties) panel and text area.
I have to make more tests
Is there any reason to continue with both windows? If you add just a text entry field to the bottom of the "Memory keys" window, then you don't need "CW type" anymore. That's what I tried to show in my image above. The two windows look identical except the "CW type" window has an extra line at the bottom that you can type in.
You could make it so that if you shortened the vertical height, then the cw keys slid over the top of the typing window and would look just the same as the "Memory keys" window today. Then, if you want to also be able to type, you just expand the vertical height and you get the typing field at the bottom.
I would think that it would simplify the code base just having one window instead of two. However, I'm probably missing something...
Thanks again!
-David, N9KT
Hi David!
Please try latest Alpha now. Smallest size you can get:

Mode change with right mouse click. Speed change only with PgUP/PgDN