Some call signs do not return data even when data is available on QRZ
. Try H40FN in CQRLOG then enter it directly into QRZ. Data is present but no data is displayed.
Ubuntu Maverick
Thank you for bug report. I'll fix it.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Is there an update for this problem? Is there any thing/test I can do to help resolve this?
Thank you... 73 - Paul - N9GXA
Hi Paul,
I've fixed it in version 1.0. I'm going to release first alpha version this month.
Thank you, Petr.
There are currently 0 users online.
Thank you for bug report. I'll fix it.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Is there an update for this problem? Is there any thing/test I can do to help resolve this?
Thank you...
73 - Paul - N9GXA
Hi Paul,
I've fixed it in version 1.0. I'm going to release first alpha version this month.
73 Petr, OK2CQR
Thank you, Petr.