2.6.0_(119) Gtk2

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2.6.0_(119) Gtk2

I recently updated from beta version 117 to 119. I am having a problem with filtering the QSO list. No filters work except the date. Is this a bug in this particular version, or do I need to look elsewhere. Is there a fix? I have also noticed that DXCC tables want to refresh every time I open the program, even if I opened it 10 minutes prior.


Charles - NK8O

ok2cqr's picture
Re: 2.6.0_(119) Gtk2

Hi Charles,

the problem with the DXCC tables should be already fixed.
I'll check the filter, thank you for the bug report.

73 Petr, OK2CQR

2.6.0_(119) Gtk2

FIlter date settings failure depends on what Lazarus/FPC is used for compile.

The "zero date" settings has changed and that leads to error. See https://www.cqrlog.com/comment/12068#comment-12068
This has been fixed in Alpha version @ 2024-03-24
( https://github.com/OH1KH/cqrlog/commit/79272b69d204b67e026c5be92c02e2087... )
