Saving my Layout

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Saving my Layout

I have my setup with 2 monitors. I use the left for FLRig, WSJT-x with waterfall, and a terminal window if I need one. I use the right monitor for CQRLOG qso list and the New QSO window. The problem I have is when I start CQRLOG it defaults back to the QSO list on the left monitor and the New QSO window on the right monitor. Is there a way to save my layout so it starts the way it was when I last ran it, or the way I saved it?

I use 3 monitors with ubuntu

I use 3 monitors with ubuntu 24.04.1, from left:
1) 1200x1920 JTDX with water fall (portrait style)
2) 2560x1440 main screen (QSO list)
3) 1920x1080 CQRlog New QSO in the right and browser in the left.

But when I click Preferences from CQRlog, it appears on monitor 1. I move it with win key. (Not often)

QSO list is on the right side of monitor 2, but when I click statistics from there, it also appears on monitor 1.

So I have no choice but to set the windows of LOTW and eQSL that I often use in devilspie.

Some apps have the "remember position and size" option, but they don't run.

So I would like to know if there is a way to avoid using devilspie.

I use 3 monitors with ubuntu

I have two monitors with Fedora 39 / LXDE.
The default monitor is on the left. I have no problems with window placing of Cqrlog. If I drag them to monitor/place I want they open there on next time.
There are some splash windows that are related to their parent placing, but main windows can remember their placing.

Could it be depending on Xwindow system you are using. Have you tested GTK2 and QT5 versions?
