This is a tweak to KR4EY's entry on installing CQRLOG on a 64-bit Debian machine.
After buying a new laptop and replacing Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit with Ubuntu Jaunty beta 64-bit, I too got the dreaded error when I installed and tried to run CQRLOG.
For Ubuntu, follow KR4EY's instructions about downloading the 32-bit libhamlib from Debian's repository:
Then use his commands for unpacking, BUT...:
dpkg -X libhamlib2_1.2.7.1-1_i386.deb /emul/ia32-linux
...instead of unpacking into /emul/ia32-linux, which doesn't exist in Ubuntu (at least on my machine!) unpack into a temporary directory of your choosing. In a terminal as sudo, copy the libhamlib files into /usr/lib32.
Once you've done this, CQRLOG loads like the champ it was designed to be.
This assumes you already have installed ia32-libs and ia32-libs-gtk before you follow the steps outlined above. You can install these using the Synaptic Package Manager or using the sudo apt-get install (program name) sequence from a terminal.
Peter N. Spotts -- KC1JB (under construction)
QRP-ARCI # 4174 | North American QRP CW Club # 2446
Flying Pigs QRP # 1983 | SKCC # 4853 | QCWA #34679
W5JH Black Widow paddle #601
For Ubuntu it is easier to use getlibs.
If you use Synaptic to install a program on a 64 bit OS like Ubuntu or Debian it will install the 64 bit version.
There are no 32 bit applications in the 64 bit repository, other than the ia32 files.
You have to manually install the 32 bit version from the Debian or Ubuntu package repository from terminal.
Here's links to the Debian and Ubuntu repos.
I used getlibs to install libhamlib2 on the Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 Beta DVD last week and it was the only thing I needed to get CQRLOG running other than trustedqsl and xplanet. And you can install these (trustedqsl & xplanet) through Synaptic.
Peter N. Spotts -- KC1JB (under construction)
QRP-ARCI # 4174 | North American QRP CW Club # 2446
Flying Pigs QRP # 1983 | SKCC # 4853 | QCWA #34679
W5JH Black Widow paddle #601
I beat my head against a brick wall for 3 days trying to load CQRLOG on Ubuntu 9.04 AMD64 version. After reading this post I had it up and running in 10 minutes. Thanks for the help. --Jack, W4HK
Everything works fine with using 32bit libraries for CQRlog.
BUT: if i install libhamlib2 (64bit version), cqrlog does not work anymore. Where does it search for libraries at first? I think i need it to search in /usr/lib32 directly (instead of /usr/lib) for the hamlib files. Perhaps there is an environment variable to do this?