Crash on dxcluster edit window

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Crash on dxcluster edit window

Hi all,in "Choose dxcluster" window -> edit a node settings -> if you press ESC or cancel button the program crash.
In the same window if you press OK I have this message and the program ends.
List index (-1) out of bounds.
Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption.
Press Cancel to kill the program.
This is the output from the terminal:
An unhandled exception occurred at $00000000046CF100 :
EAccessViolation :
CQRlog version 1.5.2 on Linux Mint 13
SWL I3-2782/VE

Same problem...

I have the same problem. I can't edit any entry without a crash.
Odd thing is, I can add a new entry without a problem. No crash, no error.
Marc, VE2EVN