Bogus SQL data shown in NewQSO Window (Alpha_135_QT6)

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Bogus SQL data shown in NewQSO Window (Alpha_135_QT6)

Hi, Does anyone know the cause of Bogus SQL Text shown in New QSO window ?
Or please tell me how to fix this.


Always SQL error shown when Quit button pressed at this moment Like:

After re-launch CQRLOG, bugus text gone always like

My environment:
 CQRLOG Alpha_(135)_QT6, Source code pulled from git,
 here"s the last updated shown in 'git log'

>commit c72c5e27912b149b8fe4d5f47b17b8173d689a84 (HEAD -> loc_testing, origin/loc_testing)
>Author: OH1KH <>
>Date:   Sat Dec 28 17:37:15 2024 +0200
>    Fixed bad formatted members/marconista.txt file

Regard, AO

Bogus SQL data shown in NewQSO Window (Alpha_135_QT6)


It looks like your database is corrupted.
"cqrlog_config"."config_file" is a longtext column that stores all the information from preferences.
Same data that you can export from "Database connection" window button utils/configuration/export.

Those HEX numbers could be just errors from file system or they can be illegal characters (UTF8 variants) in the data.

What comes to "END WAR!" text it is weird. If you have not added it, or it has not come from QRZ or other Ham Call data source and if you have Windows at same machine I would like to offer a virus explanation. Well, plain Linuxes also can have viruses but more seldom.

Maybe easiest way is to make full ADIF backup and then make a new log and do the import and set the preferences manually.
If you have only one log and it is "save log data to local machine", I.E. in your user folder, it would maybe be best to rename the ~/.config/cqrlog folder after ADIF backups are done and start Cqrlog from clean creating all from beginning and after that make ADIF import.

You can also try to make configuration export/import. That might be easy and quick way but may be that it does not solve your problem like clean start does (but it has less work):
At "Database connection" window , when you have selected your log but NOT opened it, press button utils/configuration/export and save configurations to file.
Open the file with plain text editor (nano, leafpad or similar) and go through all lines.
There should not be any corrupted lines. Just plain, readable text and numbers. If there are something weird just remove those lines. Finally save file.
After that at "Database connection" window , when you have selected your log but NOT opened it, press button utils/configuration/import and read the file.
Then open log and see if the problem disappeared.


hi Saku, tks give a comment

hi Saku, tks give a comment to me, and your support !
I'm using linuxbox w/ CQRLOG and there's no Windows machine on the same subnet.

I'll do backup & restore to resume normal. (Using CQRLOG w/ mariadb so not chosen
"save log data to local machine")

Thank you again, AO.

hm weird New QSO list header

hm weird New QSO list header again...

at this moment, CQRLOG -> quit shows me incorrect string value

here's mariadb query.log (a part)

srx_string=0\nstx_string=0\ncontestname=0\ndok=0\noperator=0\n\n[frmMain]\nHeight=399\nWidth=1277\nTop=410\nLeft=58\nMax=0\n\n[frmNewQSO_dbgrdQSOBefore]\n�\�4\0\0\0\0�\0\0\0\0\0\0\0�\n   ���\0\0�\n ���\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0eqsl_qsl_sent=0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0A\0\0\0\0\0\0\00*7\0\0\0\0�\n     ���\0\0\0=60\n��6\0\0\0\0!\0\0\0\0\0\0\0�\n     ���\0\0�\n      ���\0\0 \0\0\0\0\0\0\0 \0\0\0\0\0\0\\0\0\0\0\0\0\\0\0\0   \0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Q\0\0\0\0\0\0\08\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\�\0\0\0\0\0\0\'\0\0\0\0\0\0\0߄��\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0�\0\0\0JA4\0qrlog_m\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0P\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Q\0\0\0\0\0\0\0p�j���\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0 \0\0\0\0\04@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0
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hm, go remake db, then restart....

hm weird New QSO list header

Are you sure your hard drive is ok?

Perhaps you need to remove whole MariaDB check that all related files are gone and then reinstall it.
Then start Cqrlog from zero and do ADIF import.


Hi Saku HNY2025!

Hi Saku HNY2025!

My HDD seems to be ok validated by fsck. (using ARM/Ubuntu platform)

I gonna debugging w/ mariadb/CQRLOG logging this winter vacation,
cause while receiving/clicking RBN data window/colomn, it seems to be inserted weird data into New QSO List header...

So HNY 2025!, AO

backup, delete DB, restore

backup, delete DB, restore but no luck.
seems to be RBN related issue, cause clicking callsign in RBN window to update NewQSO window.
then weird TEXT coming up into Header line in NewQSO window.

gotta check source to dig route course..

Package: mariadb-server-10.5, Version: 1:10.11.8-0ubuntu0.24.04.1
Package: mariadb-client, Version: 1:10.11.8-0ubuntu0.24.04.1

....utf4mb3, utf8mb4 related ?
using Japanese character in CQRLOG

Regards, AO

Regard, AO

backup, delete DB, restore

Sad to hear that you have not got it fixed.

The root reason might be Japanese char set. There are many parts in source that do handle strings with commands that are not utf8 compatible.
Database itself should be ok, also routines that handle worked station name and qth, but at preferences data there may be things that can not handle extended character sets and that way can affect to program.


Hi Saku! thank you for your

Hi Saku! thank you for your reply about this.

There's no Japanese char. in Prefernces like Station (Name, QTH), QTH Profiles.
Only QTH/Comment to QSO in QSO Data. Does these data affect to prefernces data during operation ?