I attempted to install Alpha_135 on my Linux Mint 21.3 system using the newupdate.sh script. I selected the cqr2.zip binary. I encountered the following issues:
1. Had to change the URL in the wget lines in the script file to point to
because they were pointing to non-existent directory and failed.
2. The script then executed successfully until opening the cqr2.zip
Install new cqrlog to /usr/bin
Archive: /tmp/cqr2.zip
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /tmp/cqr2.zip or
/tmp/cqr2.zip.zip, and cannot find /tmp/cqr2.zip.ZIP, period.
Install of new cqrlog FAILED!
You have to upgrade manually!
If I try to unzip the file manually with my Archive manager it fails as well.
Am I looking at the correct binary??? What am I doing wrong? I have been running Alpha 134 very well and would like to upgrade to 135. Help greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Wayne, W0ZW
I have Alpha_135 working now. User error on my part navigating github. Was attempting to download from incorrect URL. "Copy raw file" worked.
Sorry for the bandwidth!!
Wayne, W0ZW
Hi Wayne !
Fine that you get it resolved. I saw you message when I was away but did not respond because I hate typing with smartphone.
Now when back home again I saw that all is ok. Good!
Thanks Saku. However I did get download errors when running the newupdate.sh script (which I worked around). You might double check the URLs in the two wget statements. Otherwise all is good here. Thanks for all your work.
Wayne, W0ZW
HI Wayne!
I have tested several times the script.
While writing this I downloaded again the newupdate.zip from https://github.com/OH1KH/CqrlogAlpha/blob/main/compiled/newupdate.zip, extracted it and started newupdate.sh
Went through all selections and every one of them downloaded the binary zip and help tgz without problems.
Only problem with wget is known that Fedora replaced wget with wget2 from version 40 upwards.
They symlinked wget to point to wget2. That is a bad idea causing lot of troubles with old scripts all around.
wget2 does not know parameter --show-progress and fails because of that.
That is why newupdate script checks wget version and sets paramaters for it at the beginning.
wver=$(wget --version | grep "Wget2")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
MyOut "Your Wget is actually Wget2"
Wparm="--quiet --force-progress";
MyOut "Your Wget is actually Wget 1"
Wparm="-q --show-progress"
How ever the urls in both cases do not change and are proven all to point to right addresses.
Please tell what did you download (selection #) and what errors did you receive?
Hi Saku -
The error message I got from executing the newupdate script was "Failed to download htttps://... Check your internet connection!"
This caused me to go down the rabbit hole I went down. I think I maybe grabbed an older newupdate script file from the old github repository instead of the CqrlogAlpha tree?? In any event please disregard my report. All appears well now so I will just enjoy using CQRlog and let you continue to generate great software! Thanks again! Ending this discussion thread now...
Wayne, W0ZW