profile change in remote mode does not work

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profile change in remote mode does not work


when I try to change the profile (new QSO-Window) and switch to remote mode (Ctrl-J), then the profile is reset to the value selected in the preferences.

This behavior is different to local mode, where I can change profile for each new QSQ. I think this is not inteded.

Different profiles are needed in remote mode for example, when different profile parameters apply to different bands.

Also the WSJTX CQ Monitor window opens very tiny, so it has to resized on each switch to remote mode

cqrlog used is release 2.5.1 (001)


profile change in remote mode does not work

You have very old version.
Choose remote first, then you can set profile for each qso when remote stays on.
Also minumun size is fixed later on. You could try to set Cq monitor position and size, then check "Map" ad do size/position again, then remove "Map" checkbox and check that CQ monitor is still at same position and size you set it.
Then check "Map" and see that it also has same settings that you made.
After that close remote (Ctrl+J) and Cqrlog.

On next time when opened and remote selected windows should be in place and size.

But most of all, update your version.
There are so many bugs in 2.5.1
