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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topic<Solved> Membership tracking problem Anonymous (not verified)133 years 5 months ago
Forum topicDX cluster commands Anonymous (not verified)23 years 5 months ago
Forum topic!!! Anonymous (not verified)03 years 5 months ago
Forum topicubuntu 20,04.2.0 and cqrlog issues w3rar13 years 5 months ago
Forum topichow to update rig control functions k0qei13 years 5 months ago
Forum topicError Entering Frequency KI0EB13 years 5 months ago
Forum topicPartial import on version 2.5.2 KI0EB13 years 5 months ago
Forum topiccqrlog - All New Created Databases / Logs are Corrupted! VA2FB73 years 5 months ago
Forum topicMissing menu icons ik0ozb53 years 6 months ago
Forum topicYouTube note: QSL cards labels print with CQRLOG dd0ul23 years 6 months ago
Forum topiccqrlog and JTDX w3rar83 years 6 months ago
Forum topicDatabase connection problem... K4JIM33 years 6 months ago
Forum topicAnnouncement: cqrlog presentation on March 21st. (in german) dd0ul03 years 6 months ago
Forum topicInstall problem K4JIM23 years 6 months ago
Forum topicRBN Monitor and spot selection "New one/New Band /New Mode" - bug or user trouble? LB2EG53 years 6 months ago
Forum topicWhere the misterious cqrlog.ini file is located? PY1ZRJ93 years 6 months ago
Forum topicRaspberry PI 4 and cqrlog oh1kh43 years 6 months ago
Forum topicStatistics / Big squares Access Violation f1rad43 years 6 months ago
Forum topicFor the love of God - please add Cabrillo!!! va7gp63 years 6 months ago
Forum topicQSO time with seconds? DH2WQ83 years 6 months ago
Forum topicHamlib 4.0 oh1kh63 years 6 months ago
Forum topicStart up goof W3BL53 years 6 months ago
Forum topicCQRLOG 2.5.2 : MySQL57Connection : Server connect failed. F6GOX113 years 6 months ago
Forum topicInvisible QSOs - Old Bug - Fixed KW2P123 years 6 months ago
Forum topicDeveloping Hamlib Rig for SDRAngel N5BRG43 years 6 months ago
