Can I send spot from the program? Thank you
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Hello all, After launching today CQRLOG and entering some paper QSL's the program froze which forced me to killall cqrlog. Unfortunately, after restart, I'm getting only two QSO's in my list, however "QSO in log" shows the correct number. Also, I cannot "find" (CTRL+F) any QSO's that aren't on the list.
This is a minor issue. I am a member of the SKCC group. I have 2 SKCC member lists with my CQRLOG (V2.3.0) install. The original in /usr/share/cqrlog/members and the updated one in ~/.config/cqrlog/members. Here is the problem, when I type a call, for instance mine, WB6IZG it gets the data from the old list and not the new list. The behavior I am seeing is if the info is in both lists it uses the old list. If the info is only in the updated list it uses that.
I've installed the latest version using the "complete application directory" package on my Ubuntu 18.10 system. However, when I run cqrlog, I see an error related to mysql. Please see below for debug output. Any direction that anyone can provide in troubleshooting the issue is appreciated.
CQRLOG Debug Output
Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (001) Date:2018-06-17
**** DEBUG LEVEL 9 ****
Hi all:
I am using version 2.3, and when I put the CAT control, I notice when I change the announcement of the cluster or mode in the control window of the transceiver, which changes me to cw inverse mode or cwr, when I would only have to change to cw mode normal.
I've been looking at the configuration of the radio as well as some option of the cqrlog, but I can not find anything to make it work well and do not put it in reverse cw.
Has someone happened to you?
Is there any solution?
the wishes in the title !... ;-)
Tnx and 73 Laurent
After a PC crash i install with no problem KUBUNTU 1804LTS and working well with jtdx.
no problem but this afternoon i have during log QSO operation a message: acces violation ok or kill.
if i send ok it is not possible to write a new qso. it is necessary to restart program.
sorry for my english
Any idea?
73 and tks for your help
Didier F1MXE
This version works goog,but with my rig a icom ic-7300 the touchscreen after a while don't work anymore.
Now back to version 2.3.0 (103) icom ic-7300 behave normal.
I'm trying to get CQRlog 2.3.0 working from the .deb on Ubuntu MATE 18.04 with a 4k 28-inch monitor. (This has about 157 dpi.) I've enabled hidpi in MATE Tweak. The CQRlog windows are tiny and I have to reduce the font size to about 7pt to fit in the tiny boxes.
Any ideas?
Richard G4DYA
Hi all,
it is to rip out hair. I don't understand to get cqrlog 2.3.0 (001) to run. Meanwhile I'm not satisfied to have it at work. I want to understand what are the requirements.
Every time when I do start the program I don't my icom706km2 displayed on my screen (Lenovo Thinkpad w541, with Kubunt 19.04, up to date). Here some information about installed software:
- Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (001)
- mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.26
- dl1wil adm dialout cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare
- cat cable is on usb0
- minicom 2.7.1
ka@ka-Inspiron-14-3473:~$ cqrlog
Gtk-Message: 22:58:21.244: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
**** DEBUG LEVEL 0 ****
**** CHANGE WITH --debug=1 PARAMETER ****
I'm running CQRLog 2.3.0 (002) on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with a i7-5600U CPU.
I've been running CQRLog for many hours, and when idle and in background, it consumes 29% of the CPU.
Restarting CQRLog brings the CPU utilization back down to normal. I do use the Remote Mode for WSJT-X, but when I relaunched and re-enabled it, the CPU usage still stayed low.
Here's output from top from when the issue was occuring:
I'm really impressed with CQRLOG - which has rapidly become my main logging program. I was wondering what people are using for competition loggers - N1MM under wine or something else?
How well does N1MM play with cqrlog? I imagine it could be quite tricky to set up.
James M0JMX
I am seeing quite a lot of info about deleting and re-uploading entries to ClubLog. Is this normal behaviour? I have checked the "ignore changes caused by LOTW/eQSL upload". Also I am getting some failed deletes - although I realise if I wait long enough this seems to correct itself:
database error
Trying to get CQRLOG up and running on a Raspberry Pi3 Desktop. I have installed it successfully, however when I run it, it shows an error to the effect of not being able to find certain MySQL libraries. I have tried completely wiping MySQL and re-installing it and re-installing CQRLOG as well, only to get the same results. I'm not really verse with Linux, just starting. I can follow instructions. Please help.
Thank you,
Eric Raymond - K7EBR
I did a clean install of the new Linux Mint distro (19.1) and copied all my
home files, including hidden files. After downloading a fresh install of
CQRlog, I get:
Executable not found: "my sqld".
Error during connection to database:
TMySQL57Connection: Server connect failed.
When I clicked on Utils, I got
List index (0) out of bounds.
any help would be appreciated. I really like this logging program!
Warrenton, VA
Using LinuxLite 4.4 64bits with XFCE and Debian version 2.3.0 (001) on several computers.
I always have too large text entry box ?
Any idea ?
73 Laurent F6GOX
So I think I found two bugs.
The first possible bug was found when trying to log a call sign that pulled up with an extra long county.
The second possible possible bug was when trying to go back several years. CQRLOG crashes while loading old logs.
Do these happen to be already known bugs?
Gabriel Moreno - N6OSB
Any suggestions to solve this issue?
When starting CQRLOG I get a long pause and then:
Error during connection to database: TMySQL56Connection : Server connect failed.
The mysql.err has no errors. Just the proper shutdown the last time I used CQRLOG.
I did a "cqrlog debug=1 > /tmp/debug.txt" and got;
Cqrlog Ver:2.3.0 (001) Date:2018-06-17
**** DEBUG LEVEL 1 ****
I am running CQRLog 2.3.0 (002) on Ubuntu Linux and would like to see support added for new mode FT4.
I am running WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5, and tried importing its ADIF file into CQRLog, only to have the FT4 entries rejected as errors.
Thank you.
Hi all,
everyone but Petr could just ignore this ;-)
Petr: please check your mailbox or contact me at: call @ darc dot de
Thanks in advance and best regards,
Patrick, DL4PD
while preparing my application for CW Excellence Award by TBDXC ( I set up filter to date from 2018-10-01 till today, mode CW, sort by Call and group by dxcc_ref. The resulting score contained also JX7X wich was a pirated call and has DXCC ref. = #.
This means that # in statistics counts as a regular DXCC point. It should be fixed!
Thanks for all the hard work that is being put into this logger, it is awesome. A request if I may, a bit better filtering on the DX cluster would be nice, Like only see spots from "X" county etc, this would be very helpful, especially during contest when the thing goes crazy. I am in the USA, and to see spots coming from Europe is not very helpful and being able to filter these out would slow down the cluster. Thanks! Tom K8WDX
Thank you so much for creating this excellent software. I have just installed it and having a play around. Have got rig control working with the ic-7300 but if I open the TRX window and then close it, it loses connection to the rig and frequency doesn't update. I'm not sure if this is expected behaviour or if there is anything I can do to fix it?
Best wishes,
James M0JMX
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